Saturday, September 5, 2009

Algebraic Equations

NAME: Leiloni Cloutier SUBJECT: Mathematics
GRADE LEVEL: 4 LENGTH: 30-40 Minutes


Numerical and Algebraic Operations and Analytical Thinking

Content Standard 2: Students analyze problems to determine an appropriate process for solution, and use algebraic notations to model or represent problems. (Algebraic and Analytic thinking)

Benchmark—Elementary # 1
All students will demonstrate the ability to write and solve open sentences (e.g., x + y = 5) and write stories to fit the open sentence.
Benchmark—Elementary #3
All students will find replacements for the variable(s) in open sentences.
Benchmark—Elementary #4
All students will be able to use analytic thinking to describe situations and solve problems.


1. As a result of this lesson, students will be able to solve algebraic equations individually through interpreting word problems.
2. As a result of this lesson, students will be able to solve algebraic equations in collaboration with their peers through interpreting word problems.

Materials/Special Arrangements/Individual Modifications
Chalkboard, chalk, paper, pencil, and homework worksheets

During Instruction

Introductory Activity: Students will be given a pre-assessment worksheet with a three minute time limit using Appendix A. The teacher will collect the student’s worksheets.

Developmental Activity:
1. The teacher will write on the board the four steps to problem solving from Appendix D and explain each step.
2. Students will be provided a short overview from the teacher of how to solve an equation for a variable within a story problem by using Appendix B and Appendix C.
3. The students will individually solve an algebraic equation from a word problem. The teacher will write the story problems on the board and have the students solve them. The students should be allowed five minutes to finish both problems. The teacher will then go over the answers for Appendix B and C on the board.
4. The students will be divided into small groups of two or three. The teacher will have the students count off 1, 2, 3 …until everyone is in a group. Groups should not have more than four people per group.
5. The students will work collaboratively as a group to solve an algebraic equation(s) from word problem(s) provided from Appendix E.

Concluding the Lesson:
Each group will select one individual to present their group’s word problem and the process they took to come up with and solve the algebraic equation.
Follow-up Activity or Assignment
Students will be given a workbook page out of the text book . They should do problems one through ten. The teacher will go over the instructions at the top of page. The students will be instructed to come up with an algebraic equation for each word problem and then solve them. This activity may be started in class if time permits. If not than it needs to be completed for homework.


Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of student learning will be based on the following:
1. The student’s individual success in finding and solving an algebraic equation from within a word problem.
2. The success of the group in finding and solving an algebraic equation from within a word problem.
3. The student’s homework assignment.

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